BE...The Winning Presentation by Dena Wyatt

This fast-paced book is a must-read for the busy technical professional to understand how to prepare and present a dynamic and winning presentation. You will not only discover the underlying purpose of a presentation, but, how to restructure and refine the way you approach, practice, and deliver your presentations.

It's loaded with tips and techniques you can immediately put to use and personalize every situation. I encourage you to mark it up, dog-ear the pages, and flip through it before every presentation—and win every time!

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"BE is a practical, wisdom-filled gem providing A/E/C pros with a step-by-step guide to master the interview and consistently win work. From preparation and research advice to crafting a client needs matrix, BE readers will find the tools, advice, and inspiration needed to abandon the same-old plan and confidently capture the win. The book is a Master Class in interviewing from a masterful coach and strategist."

Michael J. Reilly | Reilly Communications

"Your presentations suck, whether you realize it or not! Good thing Dena Wyatt has the prescription for your woes. More than just tips and tricks, BE is filled with lessons-learned, client intelligence, and ideas that you can begin implementing immediately. Can reading a book greatly enhance your odds of winning that next project? You better BE-lieve it!"

Scott D. Butcher, FSMPS, CPSM | Vice President, JBD Engineering, Inc.

"Eight seconds. That's the average audience attention span, but, BE will keep your attention, from cover to cover. A client presentation does not have to be anxiety-provoking and this book will help you and your team members prepare and execute a flawless performance. I highly recommend this book for any professional that makes presentations in any setting and for any audience."

Michael V. Geary, CAE | Chief Executive Officer, Society for Marketing Professional Services